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  • Ginger

To Blog or Not to Blog...

I have never wrote a blog. I have never decided before now to share my thoughts and ideas without putting a filter on them, but I feel this might be a good outlet for me. There are so many thoughts in this head of mine, that I feel like writing them down and expelling them will help with my sanity. These days I don't get a lot of "grown up" thinking with three kids under three. Most of the grown up ideas and thoughts stay safe in my mind and then disappear before I ever get to express it to someone that is older than....well three!

Do you ever feel like you have an inner monologue playing in your head? I do, ALL THE TIME! On my drive to work, walking in to pick up the kids from daycare, sitting staring at my phone of computer; there is always a monologue playing out. Most of the time I make up conversations in my head: how I wish I sounded to people around me, funny antidotes that I hope to tell someone next time I see them, or life lessons that I have picked up along the way. Now when I say life lessons, I really mean "My Life Lessons". I am by in no way an expert on....well anything, but I do like to hand out advice! It's so humorous, because I am the most critical of my own shortcomings and my own problems but I want to encourage others so much that I always have multiple phrases of praise and encouragement playing on repeat in my inner monologue, just waiting for the right opportunity to slip them into conversation. Most of the times these award worthy thoughts are lost before I actually get them spoken into existence. Thus...the blog.

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